Müüa toimiv hotellikompleks Cerveteris, Rooma provintsis, Itaalias
“L’Isola Di Rosa”.
Hind 4 000 000 eur.
Kompleksi üldpind 2000 m2 (võimalus laieneda), maad 85000 m2 .
Suurepärased vaated merele ja metsa, koht sobib suurepäraselt puhkuseks.
Asub 50 km kaugusel Roomast ja 30 km kaugusel Fiumicino rahvusvahelisest lennujaamast, meri 6 km.
Hotellikompleksi kuulub 22 apartementi, väike hotell 12 sviidiga, konverentsiruumid ja restoran, tervisekeskus, kaks basseini ja suurepärane mahepõllunduse aed.
Ehitusaasta 1972, üldpind, 2000 m2, krunt 85000 m2, köök, sanitaarruumid, terrassid, energiamärgis G.
Complesso immobiliare.
Dove la maremma incontra il mare, adatto ricettivo/residenziale. Circa mq 2.000 edificato (ampliabile), terreno mq 85.000. Panorama incantevole mare/bosco, situato a 50 km da Roma, 30 km aeroporto internazionale Fiumicino, 6 km dal mare. Costruito come un piccolo borgo con tutti i confort e servizi per il buon vivere. Composto da 22 appartamenti/loft, mini hotel con 12 suite. Centro meeting, ristorante, centro benessere, piscine. agricoltura bio.
Real Estate Complex.
Where the Maremma meets the sea, suitable for holiday and residential activities. Approximately, sq. m 2,000 built complex (possibility to expand), sq. m 85.000 land. Spectacular views of the sea and the forest. Situated just 50 kms from Rome, 30 kms from Fiumicino international airport and 6 kms from the sea. Built as a small village offering all comforts and facilities to enjoy a good life style. It includes 22 apartments/lofts, a mini hotel with 12 suites. Conference rooms and restaurant, wellness centre, two swimming pools and organic farming grounds.
Anneli Laas
mob +372 55560071
Price: | €4 000 000 |
Address: | Cerveteri |
City: | Lazio ,Roma - province |
County: | Italy |